


Who’s Redfish?

REDFISH is a full-service production company with scalable teams assembled to meet your every-production-need. A company with over 31 years of experience in producing memorable and meaningful meetings.

We evaluate the client’s needs and assemble a first-rate production team, writers, designers, and technicians to meet them.


We are for clients who don’t want to be oversold but still expect quality, high-touch support in their production journey that can scale to their needs at a moment’s notice.

We are for empowering clients to build relationships with the people actually executing your program without layers upon layers of managers, or armies of “who are they?” on your conference calls.

We are for delivering maximum value at minimum cost – where a lean-but never-mean team lenses in on what matters, while still offering you choice, flexibility and our expertise along the way.

Contact us

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Lisa Driscoll President/Founder

917 855 1703